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This is Nic's page.
A page about me.
Based on prompts from my LANG120 class.


About This Page

Hello and welcome to my page. This page has been created to share my work from my LANG120 class. All three projects shown on this website are centered around nature in some way.

The personal essay is a reflection on how a past experience with nature shaped me. This piece allowed me to focus on self reflection and think about how far I've come in life and show that in my writing.

The rhetorical analysis essay is a comparison on the use of rhetoric in two nature focused pieces of writing. This piece required me to analyze the style of writing used in these stories rather that the content. This is the work that I am the most proud of as it challenged me to read between the lines, to find and figure out how the authors' styles build their stories to connect with and impact the reader.

Finally the multimodal piece is an opinion editorial meant to encourage readers to get involved in their local community gardens. In this piece I focused on the impact community gardens have  on individuals coming together to build up the community and encourage people to join in. This is a very important topic today after the pandemic forced people apart. I was also able to learn more about my city as I focused on local gardens. I had to keep my readers in mind with this piece and consider how my writing style would motivate action.

All these projects have developed and improved my writing in some way. I had to analyze and do research on myself and my writing, others writing, and on the world around me. Throughout this class my confidence in my writing has grown through peer reviews, critiques and one-on-one conferences. By learning to analyze and edit others work properly I am also able to revise my own work better and feel more pride in what I put out.


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